After spending $400, the owner found out that his dog was not lame because of illness (video)

Pets often feign illness in order to get some privileges, but in this case, the dog did it purely out of compassion and a desire to empathize with the owner.

Our beloved pets will always surprise us. Russell Jones from London recently experienced this on his own wallet when he went to the vet with his dog Billy. For some unknown reason, the poor thing began to limp on his front paw, but an experienced specialist quickly figured out what was wrong. The answer is amazing.

This is Billy the dog and he is doing well.

However, this frame shows a completely different picture – the dog is clearly limping.

As Russell said, when Billy’s lameness did not go away after a couple of days, he became worried and went to the vet. The owner knew for sure that there were no accidents, there was nowhere for the dog to get injured. The more terrible – it’s something inside, something unknown and dangerous! He resignedly laid out $400, and paid for an x-ray and other studies, but was amazed by the doctor’s answer – the dog is completely healthy! And he limps because he wants to. More precisely, the dog imitates lameness, imitates the owner!

It turns out that everything is in order with Billy, but he sees that his master is not in order, and therefore tries to be in solidarity with him! This behavior is actually not uncommon. Pets often feign illness in order to get some privileges, but in this case, the dog did it purely out of compassion and a desire to empathize with the owner.

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