Baby elephant cried for 5 hours when his mother rejected him. Proof that animals have feelings

Do animals have feelings? People can do a much better job of empathizing with other people, especially animals. Many animals are used as a tool for the convenience of humans or even for recreational purposes. This is often justified because some argue that animals do not have feelings or thoughts. Many are sure that they do not perceive the world in the same way. This baby elephant proves that such statements are false and not true.

When the baby elephant was born, the mother rejected him. Right after he was born, his mother nearly beat him to death. This caused great shock to the elephant keepers. At first, they thought it was an accident, but when the baby’s wounds were treated and he was returned to his mother, she attacked him again. Realizing that the mother abandoned the cub, the guardians isolated the baby elephant forever. Despite comforting the poor baby elephant, he cried for 5 hours.

Luckily, the baby elephant showed resilience after some time of grief and is now leading a happy, vibrant life. 

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