Can you determine what’s incorrect about this image? You have only 20 seconds

Brain teasers are incredibly challenging puzzles that demand a lot of focus to solve. Today, we have another enjoyable task for you that will challenge your cognitive abilities. For this task, you were shown an image of a woman seated at a dinner table with a lot of stuff around her. During the next 20 seconds, thoroughly examine this image and point out any errors you may detect.

Let’s start this challenge now. 

You now have 20 seconds.

The time is running out, so hurry.

Did you see the errors in the image? Need a Hint?

You can find it here.

Hint: Look at the Dining table carefully you will find something odd.

Hurry up.

Congrats to those who have found the solution to this problem. For those who are still searching, we provide a detailed explanation of the answer.

Brain Teaser Puzzle answer key.

There is a saw in the refrigerator. 

Shoes on the dining table.

The cutest animals in the world

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