Their parents really wanted children, and after twelve unsuccessful attempts, they finally decided on the thirteenth, which became successful.
Seven weeks later, the couple went to the hospital and simply shocked their doctor. During the ultrasound, he just fell into a stupor, and then called all his colleagues. In the near future, the couple was informed that they would have six children.
Already in the fall of 83, six girls were born in the Walton family. Such an event happened for the first time in the world because all the children survived. The babies were born in England. Already in the 8th month of pregnancy, the woman had a cesarean section.
The girls’ father said that all the girls survived, although two had to be placed in an incubator first, as they had minor problems with their lungs. Mom and daughters were in the hospital for two months.
Soon, the parents felt all their joy a sixfold amount, when they constantly did not get enough sleep and changed a bunch of diapers per day.
To date, the girls are already 36 years old. All of them are friends with each other, many already have their own families, their children. Therefore, now that the daughters have grown up, parents can finally relax and take a break from all the trouble.