Before you can be successful in anything, you have to start somewhere. Of course, failures are inevitable at the beginning of the path, but a persistent person, confident in his work, will move forward, no matter what. Some Hollywood celebrities tried themselves as actors as children, while others came to fame as adults. We invite you to take a look at how Hollywood actresses looked in their first films.
Julia Roberts
“Satisfaction”, 1988
Angelina Jolie
“Hackers”, 1995
Scarlett Johansson
“Thieves”, 1996
Salma Hayek
Teresa (1989 – 1991)
Megan Fox
Screen Queen (2003 – 2006
Jessica Alba
“Flipper”, 1995
Penelope Cruz
“Ham, ham”, 1992
Kate Winslet
“Celestial Creatures”, 1994
Catherine Zeta-Jones
“A Thousand and One Nights”, 1990
Demmy Moor
“Parasite”, 1982
Halle Berry
“Living dolls”, 1989
Jennifer Aniston
“Camp Cucamonga”, 1990
Liv Tyler
“Silent Fight”, 1994
Eva Green
“Dreamers”, 2003