“I’ll go get some ice cream, you sit here.” – said my mother and left me on the station bench

My parents loved each other very much. From this great love, I was born. My father made good money. He was a leading engineer at the factory, and my mother was engaged in my upbringing. After reconstruction, the factory went bankrupt, and dad was left without a job. This drove my mother into a frenzy. The father was interrupted by various part-time jobs. One day he came home early and found my mother with another man. Packed up and left the same day.

I loved my dad very much and missed him. All the time I was told that it was he, the scoundrel, who left his family and left. And my mother was just with angelic patience. One day my mother told me to pack my things and some toys. We had to go to the sea to rest. Later it will dawn on me that I will not see such luxury.

Initially, my mother had other plans. We arrived at the station. Mom told me to sit on the bench and wait for her while she buys ice cream. I sat and waited for a long time. It was getting dark outside, and my mother still didn’t come for me. I was scared to leave this bench. Suddenly my mother will come back and will not find me.

She will be very upset.

My eyelids were heavy and I fell asleep. I woke up in a clean bed. I was glad that my mother still took me. The kitchen smelled delicious and I decided to go hug my mommy. But there was another aunt in the kitchen with dad. I asked my father about my mother. After all, she just went to buy ice cream. To which my dad replied harshly and honestly that she just left me. I remember this incident like it was yesterday. I suffered for a long time and could not recover from such an act by my own mother.

Days, months, and years passed… My dad’s new wife treated me very well. I have a little brother and a full-fledged family. Over time, I became aware that the mother was deprived of parental rights. On that day, only in the evening did she call my father and told him where I was. After some time, my father bought a big house and we moved there with the whole family. I was given a spacious and bright room. In the first class, they bought me a beautiful briefcase and a fashionable uniform. I graduated from high school with honors and entered a prestigious university.

After graduation, a well-known law firm invited me to work with them. I made good money and after a while, I was able to buy an apartment. My parents helped me to equip it and supported me very well.

And just recently, when I was returning from work, an old woman was sitting on a bench at the entrance. She spoke to me and confessed that she was my mother.

I immediately called my parents and told them everything. They came and put me on the sofa. We talked for a long time. Mom and dad said it was just my decision. If I think that I need this woman, then they will accept my choice.

The doorbell rang. On the threshold stood a woman who called herself my mother. That terrible night flashed before my eyes when I was left alone on the bench. I was scared and cold.

I asked this woman never to come here again. She died to me the night she left me. And she is not worthy of such a vocation as a mother. After all, a real mother would never do this to a child. The woman left with tears in her eyes. I hugged my parents and thanked them for everything.

Remember that babies don’t ask you to have them.

If you have made such a decision, then you must bear this burden of responsibility for the rest of your life! Cherish your family! After all, it is the most valuable thing you have!

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