On Thursday, Kim Kardashian shared some old pictures on Instagram to celebrate her friend La La’s son, Kiyan’s birthday. One picture showed Kiyan and Kim’s daughter North playing together.
Kim, who is 43, started her birthday message with a photo of herself and a young Kiyan holding a toy water gun. Then, she posted another picture of North and Kiyan goofing around in colorful outfits.
La La, who is 41 and Kiyan’s mom, also shared a sweet message on Instagram. She posted a video of her and Kiyan playing basketball, saying they’re best friends and do everything together.
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La La talked about Kiyan’s growing popularity on social media, with nearly 800,000 followers on Instagram. She’s proud of him and gives him advice to stay humble and ignore negative comments.
Kiyan, who is a talented high school basketball player, enjoys sharing highlights from his games and workouts on social media. His mom thinks it’s important for people to know what he’s up to, especially as he looks into colleges.