None of the 16 “friends” of the son with autism came to his birthday – and the mother asked for help

One of the most memorable days in a child’s life is his birthday. Everyone knows the amazing feeling when you just can’t wait for the day.

But little Glenn Buratti had a bad story.

Ashley, the mom, organized a birthday party for him. But none of the 16 guests came.

Glenn Buratti is a boy with autism who is only 6 years old.

He was very upset, his mother almost cried too. She decided to express her frustration in a Facebook post.

“I know this may seem impolite, but my heart is broken because of my little son. We invited your entire class (16 children) to a birthday party. But no one came”.

And then something incredible happened.

Suddenly, firefighters and policemen began to arrive at Ashley and Glenn’s house in the company of their children.

In total, about 15 children took part in Glenn’s party. They also brought wonderful gifts to the boy.

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