Picture Puzzle: 10 Seconds challenge to find the odd one Pikachu

Many of these challenges can be found on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where a variety of questions are posed to test your brain power and sharpen your focus. To solve image puzzles, we must pay close attention. There are several Pikachu in the image we’ve provided for today’s Brain Teaser Puzzles challenge, but one of them is somewhat different from the others, and you have just 10 seconds to discover it. You are an absolute genius if you can solve this riddle. It is suggested that you solve this on your own so that you can develop your ability to observe things and focus.

Take a closer look at the image since your time is about to begin.

Your time has begun.

Did you notice the strange goat Pikachu in the picture?

Time is running out, so hurry.

Here’s a little information for you.

Hint: The odd one Pikachu is on the sixth row of the image.

Stop! Time is up.

Congratulations if you’ve spotted the occasional Pikachu; if not, don’t be discouraged. Check out the image below for the answer to this puzzle.

The cutest animals in the world

Videos from internet

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