The boy lost more than half of his own weight, thanks to hard work on himself (video)

In 2016, when the control weigh-in was carried out, Arya Permana weighed 193 kg. Even though he was only 13 years old! The media immediately stuck the cliche of “the fattest boy in the world” and staged a contest of unfavorable forecasts. But Arya, contrary to many expectations, acted completely differently.

The moment of truth – Arya Perman is 13 years old and his weight has exceeded 193 kg.

Today he weighs about 80 kg. No magic, just standard methods of losing weight and 3 years of constant work on yourself.

Compare photos from 2016 and 2019.

Lost half his weight! Even more!

Excess skin was simply cut off, as unnecessary.

Yes, this is the same Arya.

When he was fat, he even moved with difficulty.

The overweight boy preferred to sit in the pool, where his own weight is not so felt. Zero level of socialization and contact with the outside world.

A shallow pool, but what can you do?

Today Arya has a real healthy lifestyle.

Jogging in the morning, and outdoor games like badminton and football are a must!

Together with the coach, at the beginning of the journey and now.



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