The dog traveled 160 kilometers to find the people who once saved her

About 5 years ago, an elderly couple met a stray dog ​​on the street, which was also pregnant.

Today we will tell you a very inspiring story that happened in Rivadavia (Argentina).

The dog looked very bad and the people took it with them. The animal was given the nickname Negrita. The couple began to treat and nurse her. After some time, little puppies were born, and when the kids got stronger they were distributed to people, and they decided to give Negrita to their friends who live in the city of Khachal since the spouses themselves were already of advanced age and they were afraid that they would not be able to support Negrita.

So the dog got new owners. And everything would have been fine, but only two weeks later Negrita disappeared. People searched everything around, but she was nowhere to be found. Some more time passed and suddenly Negrita appears on the threshold of the spouses who once saved her …

It turned out that the animal covered about 160 km! Of course, such a long journey had a negative impact on him, the dog was emaciated and his paws were injured. Negrita was immediately fed, watered, and bathed.

Then she climbed into a secluded corner and slept for almost two days. The couple immediately called a friend and said that Negrita had returned to them. It is clear that after such a heroic act, the couple decided not to give their faithful dog to anyone else.


The cutest animals in the world

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