The life story of a duchess from Spain! What does the world’s most titled duchess look like today?

The Guinness Book of Records lists Alba as the aristocrat with the most titles in the world.

This woman always stood out from the other noble representatives, her actions were unusual, in addition to the fact that she had incredible inner freedom and loved to break the rules.

It is known that our heroine married three times and is the mother of 6 children – five sons and one daughter.

The duchess’ second spouse turned revealed to be a former priest, which made her second marriage controversial.

The pair cohabited for more than 20 years despite the fact that many people opposed their union.

Our heroine’s third spouse was a straightforward clerk. The announcement of their wedding also sparked a wave of unhappiness among the populace.
He formally surrendered his claim to his bride’s property as a sign of his devotion.

The woman made the decision to provide her family with a number of pricey artworks, as well as houses and castles, in order to persuade them to cease criticizing her decision.

As she grew older, her looks changed, and the duchess made the decision to get plastic surgery.

Unfortunately, she did not benefit from this, and with each subsequent treatment, her face continued to look worse.

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