The most beautiful actress of the 20th century Sophia Loren turned 86 years old

Recently, the magnificent actress and the most beautiful woman of the 20th century turned 86 years old. In honor of this occasion, we want to recall interesting facts from the life of the charming Sophia Loren.

The mother of the future star was also an actress. She never married, so Sophie was born out of wedlock. The beauty’s childhood passed in a village near Naples, although before the birth of the girl, her mother lived in Rome.

Until the age of 14, Sophie considered herself a terribly ugly girl. She was taller than her peers, and also too thin. The situation changed after our heroine won the beauty contest for the first time. Then the girl realized that all her “flaws” were actually real virtues!

At the very beginning of her career, our heroine agreed to any role. Therefore, in her filmography, there is even topless shooting.

Our charming heroine received her first Oscar at the age of 26. She played in the English film Cuchara.

Sophie’s favorite artist was the magnificent Charlie Chaplin, so when the comedian invited her to star in his film The Countess from Hong Kong, she happily agreed. And she was even ready to work for free!

The only love of the talented actress was her producer Carlo Ponti. The man was 22 years older than the beauty, but this did not stop them from building a strong and friendly marriage. Unfortunately, in 2007 the husband of our heroine left this world.

For the past 10 years, Sophie has not acted in films. Her career lasted as long as 60 years, and during this time the actress managed to play about 100 movie roles!

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