The sad cat came to the family’s house to make friends with their cats

A family from the USA made a fenced yard near the house for their cats, where they could play and walk for hours. One day, a sad stray cat came up to the fence of this courtyard, who was watching the cats and really wanted to make friends.

A couple from the USA built a small fenced yard for their beloved cats. It is right next to the house, where the cats can breathe fresh air. Since then, Gerrie and Loki have been happy to spend their free time there, sleeping and playing.

Recently, while the cats were playing in their yard, a furry guest approached them. The cat watched them for a long time and wanted to make friends. At first, the owners thought it was just a neighbor’s cat – until he began to come more and more often.

The owners of the house asked around the neighbors, and it turned out that this cat was homeless. Then the family decided to help. They named the cat Ziggy and built a separate little “house” for him next to the cat’s yard.

The cold weather was approaching, and the couple decided that this was a great solution for the cat. Ziggy himself was very grateful and immediately fell in love with his personal house. There the family left him food and were always glad to see him.

At first, Ziggy was very shy – if someone tried to get close to him, he immediately ran away. But the couple managed to win his trust. After a few weeks, they were able to pet him and get to know him better… and found a small injury on his neck. They had to take the cat to the vet.

In the clinic, Ziggy received the necessary treatment, and then the couple took him to their place for recovery. They kept him in a separate room where they looked after him for several days. After the cat recovered, he was introduced to domestic cats.

Even then, the couple decided that they were so used to him that they were not ready to say goodbye. So Ziggy found loving owners! It took him some time to adapt, but now Ziggy is absolutely happy. He has caring owners, a warm home, two cheerful brothers, and yet he did not even dream of this until recently. Thanks to the good couple for saving him!

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