Through the dog door, a street cat just entered the house of a stranger and handed him all of her kitties

Using her sixth sense, the devoted mother knew that Tom was a decent person who might be able to help her and her kittens.

Tom, a citizen of Los Angeles, was doing his own thing one day at home when he spotted an unfamiliar cat.

The dog door, which acted as the back entrance, was used by the cat to enter his home. The same cat returned to his home shortly after that, but this time she was carrying a little kitten.

The cat immediately started hunting for a spot to keep the kitten when it was brought inside.

Tom kept his cool and handed the cat a big cardboard box that he had filled with a soft blanket.

Talia, the cat, laid down with the kitten inside the box for a bit before leaving via the dog door. The cat returned, bringing a black kitten this time.

She brought Tom three more kittens after making three further visits outside. The cat peacefully slept in the box and cleaned her young when he gave her water and food bowls.

The caring mother sensed via her sixth sense that Tom was a respectable man who might be able to assist her and her kittens. The kittens were nurtured close to her in a warm, caring atmosphere.

The cutest animals in the world

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