Isaac Matthews did not even think of becoming a star of social networks, he had no time at all – due to the numerous fires on Kangaroo Island in Australia, there is a lot of work. The terrible heat receded, the wind rose and the nights in the scorched desert became really cold. Recently, a farmer found a dead possum, and on its body – was a tiny cub, which clung to its mother with all its last strength.
The baby was very tiny, unable to take care of himself, and besides, he was cold during the night. Life was barely glimmering in the miniature body when Matthews took it away. Without much thought, he turned on the heating in the car and brought the opossum to the stove. This is the moment when the animal felt warm and came to life, and got on video. What a sentimental sight! No wonder it is rapidly gaining views.
So small, helpless! But now – with a very good chance of survival than half a day ago. In Australia, they decided to save the main species of animals from destruction, so there is a corner and caring hands for the foundling.