An elderly man taught a lesson to a girl who did not give him a seat in a transport

Gone are the days when young people and children literally jumped off their seats on public transport when they saw incoming passengers older than themselves. Now one can often observe how young people, having taken places reserved for the disabled, women with children, and the elderly, can calmly continue on their way, regardless of those who are forced to stand nearby.

Often in such cases, passengers become witnesses of skirmishes, but recently a video appeared on the social network, which became a good lesson for all those present, and for Internet users as well.

This story happened in the salon of public transport in St. Petersburg. A young girl was sitting on a seat that was not meant for her. An elderly man stood next to her and patiently waited for her to turn her attention to him and give way. But the girl did not understand or did not want to understand his expressive looks, and at some point, his patience snapped.

Tired of waiting and the ignorance of the young girl, the man simply sat on her lap. The girl’s face stretched out in surprise, but she did not particularly resist. So the man decided to teach a lesson to the representative of the younger generation, however, his actions did not find much support among Internet users.

Those who believe that young people can get tired no less than older people stood up for the girl. In addition, it can be assumed that the girl may be disabled. Many considered the act of the passenger to be rude and shameless.

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