Homeless man got rich and provided others with jobs

The man can never forget his sufferings and trials!

Drew Goodall has always dreamt of becoming a famous actor. By the age of 20, the man had already had some knowledge on acting. The man managed to get small roles in the films “About a Boy” and “Focus”. Drew was lucky to meet Brad Pitt and Hugh Grant on set of these films.

The man seemed to be quite successful in his career. However, very soon Drew suddenly ended up on the streets with nothing! He was completely snowed under with debts. And as he had no money to pay for the rent, he was soon left without an apartment. For a long time, Drew had to face the cruel life of the streets without food, in cold, bearing the unpleasant attitude of other people.

He had to sleep on cardboards near the Academy of Theater Arts in London.

Drew was depressed and all alone at such a difficult time. Soon he found a way to earn some money at least for food and started offering his shoe-shining services to strangers. This was also challenging, as it was considered an illegal activity.

Drew kept cleaning shoes for 6 months. Then a man suggested him doing the same job in his company’s headquarters, instead of streets. This offer helped Drew start his life from a new page.

Drew managed to find a proper job with salary and stopped wandering the streets. Very soon he saved up enough money to think about his own business – a company that will serve large London enterprises.

He decided to name the company “Sunshine Shoeshine”.

Today, this once a homeless man makes around $250,000 a year. Still, the man can never forget his sufferings and trials. As a result, the businessman invests a good deal of his income into charity.

There’s one more thing that makes this businessman stand out among others. His business has adopted the policy of hiring homeless people in need. Currently, over 40 former homeless people work in the company.

One of his workers, 45-year-old Alan Walton told, that before meeting Drew, he couldn’t find a single job for 15 years. The reason is, he had serious health problems. Now Alan has a job and self-confidence to move ahead in life. He is a proof that Drew Goodall’s efforts are not in vain!

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