Nothing negative can make her give up
When you actually work hard to keep fit, you always want to show off the results to the whole world. This is what Kate Beckinsale did with her new Instagram photo boasting her abs.
Kate is a 47-year-old English actress, who is now working for Paramount+, acting in the film “Guilty Party”. She posted a photo, which is apparently her trailer captioned “Well hello #guiltyparty @cbstvstudios #paramountplus”.
The actress is wearing sweatpants in the photo showing off her torso. Many people noticed the obvious changes on the actress’ figure and left pleasant comments: “Gorgeous!”, “So Stunning!”. However, there are always those who don’t miss the chance to insult celebrities.
One of the users simply wrote: “#midlifecrisis”.
Kate responded to the comment, saying: “Oh babes don’t worry. Just lose the fade and the cheesy sunglasses and no one will know unless you buy a Ferrari which seems not likely”.
Kate’s response shows that the actress is never going to give up and nothing can break her down. In general, the actress looks stunning. She has also made it clear that exercises and healthy lifestyle is an inseparable part of her daily routine.