Mother cat hugged her only kitten, thanking people for saving (photos)

The pregnant cat could not believe the happiness when people noticed her and decided to help. At first, she was afraid of everything new, but then she realized that here she and her unborn baby were completely safe.

A pregnant cat was brought to a veterinary clinic in Brisbane, Australia. She was picked up on the street and saw that she needed help. Mom was a little underweight, and for her, they urgently began to look for overexposure.

A volunteer from the Best Friends Felines rescue team named Nikki responded. The woman took the expectant mother to her to take care of her. At first, she was afraid of the new environment, but then she realized that here she and her offspring were safe.

The cat was named Desiree. To the surprise of the guardians, the birth of the mother began much earlier than expected. She gave birth to only one kitten, which was very similar to her mother, and turned out to be completely healthy and even large.

Later, the guardian took the cat to the veterinarian to see if there were any more kittens left in her stomach on an ultrasound – but this baby turned out to be the only one. And Desiree took care of him like the most precious thing she has.

Desiree turned out to be a very sensitive, attentive, and caring mother. She did not let the baby out of her paws, fed him as if on schedule, licked him, and did not leave him alone for a minute.

When little Tato started to crawl, his mother kept her eyes on him and already started teaching him all the important cat things. When the baby grows up, permanent owners will be found for him and his mother.

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