Optical Illusion: Find the Dollar symbol from the image in 5 seconds

We have a fascinating photograph to test your IQ and your ability to observe today. You must locate the hidden Dollar sign in the image we’ve shared with you for today’s challenge. You will win this challenge if you can discover it in 10 seconds, but attempt to find it on your own because it will sharpen your focus.

A hidden Dollar sign may be found in the image. Start the challenge now. A sort of illusion known as an optical illusion prevents us from completely understanding the picture or image that we have just seen with our eyes.

Are you ready for this challenge? Yes? 

Your five seconds have now begun.

Have you seen the Dollar Symbol anywhere? No?

Here is a hint that should make it easier for you to locate it.

Clue: The Dollar symbol is hidden on the left side of the image.

Stop! Time is up.

Congratulations to those who correctly identified the dollar sign in this image; you have won this Optical Illusion IQ exam. For those who are still having trouble, the solution may be found in the image to the right.

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