Kaye was overjoyed to learn of her adoption. When Kaye Fiorello saw a dog caught on the side of the road, scurrying about in panic in the heat of Cleveland, Tennessee’s Interstate 75, she immediately dialed highway police for aid. To immediately transfer the dog to safety, a patrolman from the Tudors came.
The kind patrolman brought the dog water, food, and cover with Kaye’s assistance before taking her to the Cleveland Animal Control Center for a checkup. The dog thanked us for the attention, although at the time he still gave off the impression that he was cautious of people.
I’m going to wait here till she trusts me, Kaye remarked to The Dodo. It had the sound of a content dog sigh. The difference between these and the deer eyes was night and day. They got along. It was strong. I had a few happy tears flowing for the girl.
However, the drama of this rescue was only getting started. Tennessee Highway Patrol reported the case on its social media platforms after delivering the dog called Princess to the rescue center.
The highway patrol wrote on its Facebook page: “On a scorching summer day, a patrolman was informed about a puppy in trouble due to a Good Samaritan. On the side of Interstate 75, the dog was very dehydrated and in need of water and protection from the sun. Cleveland TN Animal Control is now providing wonderful care for this adorable dog. The dog enjoyed the water and food that Officer Tudors provided.
A veterinary examination revealed that Princess had a hip fracture and needed treatment after being in the care of the rescue facility, which she was definitely not going to face by herself. After saving the dog, Officer Tudors fell deeply in love with her and made the decision to formally adopt her into his family.
“The puppy that Patrolman Tudors saved has been adopted,” the road crew said. She was known as #Princess by her family members. She continues to receive care there until she can be moved to her “#ForeverHome.” When Kaye learned that the dog had been adopted, she was ecstatic.
Kaye had told the patrol vehicle about the puppy. He was ecstatic to find that Princess’ life had been drastically and irrevocably altered as a result of his intervention at the time.