The boy felt sorry for the boy with autism, and took him to the classroom …

Our hero felt sorry for the boy with autism because he simply could not pass by the crying child.

The first day at school can be a real test for a child. Someone cannot cope with stress and begins to cry, while someone, on the contrary, can immediately join the team. This story is about two high school students who become true friends.

All ages are submissive to kindness

Courtney Moore posted a photo of her son Christine with his friend Connor on the social network. Instantly, this picture got thousands of likes. And all because the boy’s mother shared the story of this photo. Her eight-year-old son came to school and saw Connor, he was crying, hiding in a corner. Kristin could not pass by and began to console the unfamiliar boy. The stranger did not even know that this boy was autistic, he took his hand and began to calm him down as best he could. The reason for Connor’s stress was the new environment, he was confused, which is why the panic began. But the new classmate was able to find the right words and felt sorry for the boy with autism. Connor calmed down and confided in his new acquaintance.

Photos of these two boys flew around the world

“I saw them together when Kristin was comforting Connor, they were both standing in the corner. The boy was crying, and Christine consoled him. Then, holding hands, they went to the entrance to the school right in their classroom, ”Kourtney shared in an interview. She says that now the children have become true friends, and an invisible but inextricable bond has arisen between them.

Connor’s mother April was very worried about her son because it so happened that both of the boy’s parents could not be near him on the first day of school. His father walked him to the school bus and went to work. Everyone was worried about Connor, and for good reason. A boy with autism does not adapt well to a new environment, he can be frightened by the noise and din of children’s voices. The parents’ fears were confirmed. You can imagine April’s reaction when she saw the photo of her son and Courtney Moore’s note.

But the woman nevertheless cheered up, because she saw a real hero near her child. The two boys held hands tightly and walked into the classroom. April was glad that Connor had someone he could trust next to her. She burst into tears and was very grateful to both Christina and his mother, who raised such a sensitive son to someone else’s grief.

The life story of a boy with autism.

Connor was diagnosed with this when he was six years old. His social circle is limited to his parents. They adore their son and devote all their personal time to him. According to Connor’s mother, it is difficult for him to establish communication with peers. He is very upset if my husband and I do not understand him. When other kids can’t understand what he’s saying, it’s stressful for Conner.

Therefore, when her son had a new friend, April was very happy. Kristin and Connory get along well with each other. They have common interests. Friends have become inseparable, they go to the cinema together, collect a collection of pictures about superheroes, and just walk together. The parents of the two friends also met and now their families often spend time together.

This story began with the fact that the guy felt sorry for the boy with autism, and ended with an incredible friendship. You can observe the behavior of children to understand what kind of parents they have. Adults can learn a lot from the younger generation, such as how to be kind and sincere…

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