The saddest dog in California, named Benji, found a new family

Sacramento residents Jared and Jessica Williams recently finally moved into pet-friendly housing. Jared tried to persuade his wife to postpone the search for the little animal until November, they say, it will just be her birthday present, but she has already managed to see a photo of Benji. And the editors understand it well – here anyone involuntarily wants to immediately hug and console “the saddest dog in the state.” However, one serious problem suddenly arose.

Jessica saw Benji’s photo, read his short story, fell in love, and quickly convinced her husband to drop everything and rush to the shelter for the dog immediately. It is easy to say that the journey took more than six hours, and on the spot, they were directly told: to drop this idea. Look how many other dogs that also need owners are no less unhappy. But don’t touch this one, it’s a trick.

The fact is that Benji was acutely afraid of strangers before turning to aggression. He reached out to them, but could not decide to cross the line and trust. In addition, he suffered from parasites and lost a lot of furs, and therefore he could hardly endure touch. And how to establish a contact in such conditions? That’s why the shelter staff honestly warned – this dog will not be kind and affectionate, like the others.

But the couple could not be persuaded, and after completing the paperwork, they went home with Benji. On the way, it turned out that the dog was just a coward – he needed someone who would make an important decision instead of him. And when this happened, when Benji realized the changes that had come in his life, he thawed. Gradually, he began to get acquainted with the outside world and learned to be friends with the owners, to their greatest joy. This story is a great example of not only listening to the call of the heart but also not turning off the chosen path!

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