“Three generations of beauty”: Jennifer Lopez appeared in an advertisement with her mother and heiress

In 2020, beauty D. Lopez announced to fans that she was going to launch a line of cosmetics. And already at the beginning of this year, the products of the actress went on sale.

The main ingredient in these products is olive oil. According to the artist, this is their family tradition, which they have passed down from generation to generation.



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Публикация от Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

A few days ago, the actress advertised her own brand with a picture in which she appeared with her mother and daughter.



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Публикация от Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

Three beautiful ladies of different generations stood in profile, but even so, it was noticeable that they were all incredibly similar.



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Публикация от Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

In the description under her post, Jennifer added the brand’s slogan “For gorgeous, glowing skin ages 7 to 77.” The star also left a hashtag in which she hinted that she inherited such beauty from her parent.

Fans of the American star were delighted with such a cute picture of three generations. “It’s incredibly beautiful”, “Three suns” – write the followers in the comments.

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