Two dogs were found in a terrible state. Their ribs stuck out, each vertebra and bone stood out, and they weighed much less than their norm. But do not think that these are stray dogs abandoned to their fate. The pets had owners who themselves brought the dogs to such a state!
The owners of the two malnourished pets turned out to be quite ordinary people – Jason Bowditch and his wife Samantha Reese-Bowditch from Hampshire, England. They said they deliberately put the dogs on a strict diet because they were “too fat.” In order for the pets to lose weight, the couple decided to simply limit their diet.
In an attempt to normalize the weight of dogs, there would be nothing shameful, if not for one circumstance – judging by the appearance of the unfortunate animals, they were not just “restricted” in food intake, but stopped feeding altogether. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that dogs have emaciated to a painful state?
When they were discovered by the RSPCA, the appearance of the dogs caused both shock and pity. Most likely, they would have died of starvation, so the volunteers arrived in time.
When one of the dogs, a pet named Sazzle, approached the bowl of food, he was trembling with anticipation. The camera recorded how the dog, almost breaking off the collar, greedily pounced on food. She destroyed everything on the plate in 15 seconds! One can only imagine how much the poor dog wanted to eat!
The veterinarians who examined the dogs were outraged by the situation with the animals. According to them, even if the pets need a diet, this does not mean that the owners need to sit and watch the dogs die of hunger.
The couple was charged with improper care of dogs. To date, the owners have been given the following punishment: their pets were taken away, and they were also banned from having dogs over the next three years. In addition, people were ordered to pay a fine of 400 pounds.
Well, two dogs are currently in the shelter, they are fed and monitored so that the pets gain weight.
Loving owners will definitely be found for them, and we hope that they will not starve the dogs!