When a man heard a scream coming from the jungle, he immediately rushed there and here’s what he found out…

He was traveling through the streets of Thailand when an odd noise emanating from the bush abruptly attracted his attention.

In order to learn more, he made the decision to drive closer. Harbison unexpectedly spotted a little puppy in the grass.

The dog was still jittery as he approached and steered clear.

He soon saw, though, that Harbison was only attempting to help and had no intention of hurting him.

Then, as he was considering how to assist the puppy, he abruptly became aware of some motion on the grass.

He soon discovered the pup’s two other sisters. The unfortunate infants were abandoned in the bush on their own.

He loaded the pups carefully onto his motorbike and rode them to safety.

When he brought the puppies to the shelter, they gradually started to open up.

A few hours later, they started acting very lively and charming.

The adorable sisters’ names, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney, are what makes it the funniest.

The infants will now stay at the shelter for a time, and when they have recovered completely, they will start looking for their future homes.

The cutest animals in the world

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