While I was in the hospital, my husband cheated on me in my own apartment

I was 18 when I got married. My husband was 22 at the time.

A year has passed since the wedding, and our first child was born. Boy. We named him Yegor. I inherited the apartment for living at that time from my deceased grandmother. My husband was absolutely not interested in how his child grows and develops, and he considered me completely obliged to educate him. We started planning a second child after our son was 3 years old. My husband really wanted a girl to be born, because we already had a son. The second pregnancy was much more difficult for me than the first. Often I was at risk of miscarriage. Due to the fact that the husband did not pay enough attention to his son, he had to be handed over to his grandmother (my mother) until I can take care of him myself. I spent much more time in the hospital.

On the ultrasound, I found out that we will have a girl. The husband was very happy, but it was not clear that this was a strong and sincere joy. It became clear only that he certainly did not want to have another child. After work, he often returned home drunk, he naturally did not intend to take care of either the children or me. Later, the day finally came. Childbirth, unlike pregnancy, was given quite easily. However, it didn’t turn out to be as happy as I expected. A visitor came to my ward, introducing himself as a colleague of my husband. He told me that my husband was cheating on me with his wife right at our house while I was in the hospital. And this man, instead of throwing them out of the apartment, came to consult with me! It also turned out that his wife was pregnant by my husband. Among other things, He had three children and he did not want to lose his family. The man was often on the road, on business trips, and rarely spent the night at home, which made him doubt that he was the father of his children.

couple quarreling

After this “visitor” left, I lost the desire to live, the whole world lost its colors. There was one question in my head: how could he? I began to sort through the options for the development of events, think over a plan of action, and imagine how best to catch them red-handed. So without inventing anything, I began to reassure myself, because otherwise the milk for the child may be lost. I had to patiently wait for my discharge from the hospital.

From the maternity hospital, my husband met me very cheerful and joyful, with a fake smile on his face. Returning home, without thinking twice, I began to look for compromising evidence in order to have a serious conversation with my husband and certainly exclude his opportunity to get out. The search was crowned with success quite quickly and without much difficulty. Women’s scrunchie and dark hairs on the comb were found. The apogee of everything was a strange combination. Having collected all the necessary evidence, I went to my husband for a very serious conversation. At first, he tried to make excuses, made up excuses. But in the end, he said that I ruined his life by giving birth to these children, that he truly loves another woman and she is expecting a child.

I kicked my wife out of the house that same evening. It seemed that everything was finally over. About a year later the doorbell rang. There was a girl at the door. It turned out that a couple of years ago she was in a relationship with my ex-husband. Now she has cancer. From my ex-husband she had a daughter, and she will have no one to leave her in the event of a fatal outcome. Her husband refused to support her. The girl wanted to leave her daughter to me.

To say I was shocked is an understatement. A single mother of two children, and now an orphan girl. With all this, I did not manage to say “no” to the unfortunate girl. We began to meet often and regularly with the children. Her daughter was a very smart and well-bred girl.

The girl passed away six months later. Buried next to her parents. I decided to take the girl with me. Soon the notary came to us. It turns out that the girl wrote down in my name the guardianship of the girl, an impressive bank account, her apartment, and car. The girl’s mother paid a lot of money to get everything done quickly. She managed to get early custody before her death. As for the ex-husband, he never once asked how things were with me and his children. My Mother-in-law paid no attention to our safety. The ex-husband also left his new woman: they did a paternity test.

Now I live alone with three children, whom I have to take care of from now on.

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