Who abandoned them? The guy was driving home,but immediately stopped, noticing something strange on the side of the road… (video)

They were just born and already faced with human cruelty…A young man named Sebastian Bushy was driving home from work lost in thought. The 28-year-old lives in Washington, USA, working as a construction worker. But he failed to peacefully return home, take a shower and have dinner after a hard day’s work because of an unexpected discovery.

Next to the road, Sebastian noticed seven little puppies! Someone abandoned the kids in the heat in a deserted area. The little ones needed help, and urgently.

The guy stopped the car and approached the puppies closer, calling them to him and filming what was happening on camera.

Sebastian gathered all seven babies and put them in his car, and then took them to the veterinary hospital.

All is well with the puppies at the moment! They are ready for adoption.

The young man still does not believe that someone could leave seven cute kids in the wilderness. The children huddled near a small pond and tried to hide under a small bush …

Of course, they were scared and did not understand whether it was possible to trust a stranger.

It is terrible to imagine what would have happened to the crumbs if not for Sebastian.

We are confident that these wonderful kids will have a bright future! Surely there will be people who will be able to surround them with care and love.

Thanks to Sebastien for saving the seven dogs! We hope that the boomerang law will work, and a whole rain of pleasant events will fall on the young man.

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