Brain Test: If you are a genius then find the word SAME from the picture in 8 seconds

We have a fairly fascinating image with multiple sentences written on it for today’s Brain Teaser assignment. If you have a sharp eye, you can find the word “same” in the image within 10 seconds of seeing it. It’s only an eye exam, said a bystander in response. 90% of people are able to see it, not 1%. Some people had trouble seeing the image, but they recognized its existence.

Optical illusions are quite effective in tricking the mind. Others help us uncover our hidden wants and selves. Some of the questions will also test how well you are aware of your surroundings. If you like discovering the mysteries hidden in such photographs, your powers of observation and level of concentration both increase. Such images provide mental stimulation while also enhancing the value of your time.

Can you handle the difficulty of this brainteaser? Yes? 

Let’s start.

Within the allotted 8 seconds, find the word “same.”

Be prompt!

Five seconds are all that is left on the clock.

Your time is up. Stop.

Are you still having problems noticing the masked word “same” or did you see it right away? The reader who correctly recognized the word “same” from the image won the challenge.

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