Optical Illusion Test: Can you find the hidden Bat, a Duck, or a Butterfly in this picture within 20 seconds?

In the optical illusion IQ test we’re administering today, we’ll examine how focused you are and how long it takes you to find any concealed objects in the image. You have 20 seconds to locate a Bat, a Duck, and a Butterfly that are concealed in the family portrait that we will share with you today. You will win this challenge if you can discover all three of these items in the allotted 20 seconds; else, you will lose it.

Though they are incredibly intriguing and easy to understand, optical illusion pictures have a sophisticated solution. Because they shed some information on how you perceive things, these optical illusions fall under the purview of psychoanalysis. An old family photo with a bat, a duck, and a butterfly concealed in it is one such ingenious example. Set a timer for 20 seconds on your phone or watch and take care of the image once before beginning this task because you don’t have much time. You must begin looking for them when we urge you to press the start button.

We will now begin this task. 

Hurry up! a few seconds remain.

Did you notice all three items?

If not, start by looking for one; the rest will come to you on their own.

Your time is up, so stop. 

If you have obtained all three items, congrats! You have won this challenge. If not, do not be discouraged; we have provided the answer in the image below.

Duck – The duck could be found in between the dog’s hind legs, it’s the shape formed by the hind legs.

Bat – The bat can be found between the elbow of the boy and the girl.

Butterfly – The butterfly can be found on the tree leaves in the background.

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