Picture Puzzle: Can you find the odd emoji from the image in 6 seconds?

Picture puzzles are a lot of fun to complete and a fantastic method to practice observational skills because you have to pay close attention to uncover the answer that is concealed in each picture. On social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we may view various kinds of picture puzzles. There are numerous emojis in the brand-new Picture Puzzle challenge we’ve provided for you today. There is one emoji in this set that differs differently from the others, and you have six seconds to find it. After seeing the image, the majority of people are bewildered by this puzzle, but if you check it carefully, it will be extremely simple to find its solution. However, other people were able to recognize the solution right away. You will win this challenge if you can solve it within the allotted time, but bear in mind that you are under no obligation to ask for assistance. Before you begin, pay attention to the picture since you only have a little time to find the solution.

Are you ready for this challenge? 

Let’s get going.

Your 6-second timer now begins. Be quick!

Do you know where to find the peculiar emoji? No?

Want a hint? Yes, then read it below.

Hint: The odd emoji is on the third and last row of the image.

Your time is up, stop! 

Congratulations to those who used this clue to assist them to locate a different emoji from the image; for those who are still having trouble, the answer may be found in the image below.


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