Optical Illusion Test: Can you find the hidden spring among these screws within 12 seconds?

In just 12 seconds, can you identify the concealed spring amid these screws? Once more, we have a fascinating picture with several screws for you today. You have to locate the spring concealed amid these screws to complete today’s challenge. You may locate the hidden spring in this image if you look at it extremely closely.

Social media platforms have shared this popular image of Optical Illusion. We have shown this photograph to several of our readers, but only 1% of them are able to identify the solution, while others are unable to do so since the spring and screws are the same color. Finding the solution to this problem requires focus. Before we get started, we should remind you that you have 122 seconds to locate the concealed spring.

Your 12-second timer now begins.

Be quick… The time is running out…

Did you find the spring anywhere in the image? No?

I’ll give you a hint now.

Hint: The spring is in the middle of the image. a few seconds remain.

Stop! Your time here is up. 

If you discover the hidden spring amid the screws, you are the challenge winner; if not, the circle in the image below has the solution.

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