Thanks to a kind man, a mother owl who lost her babies adopted two orphaned owlets

By observing their behavior, he was able to put many of his creative ideas into action.

Other animals, such as abandoned owls, have also been rescued by Robert Fuller.

The owls raise the newborn owlets as their own by placing them in their nests.

“Their impulse to raise and protect the young is quite strong,” Fuller added.

One of the adorable birds is Luna, another survival that Fuller once again spared.

In 2017, Fuller found the owl and began to care for her, which allowed Luna to grow into a strong owl that could produce her own owlets.

Luna attempted to become pregnant for two years, but each time she lost a significant amount of eggs, thus it was unsuccessful.

Despite all of that, Luna still had the chance to finally realize her dream of motherhood.

One day, Fuller came upon two baby owls in need of maternal care.

He immediately realized that Luna may be their new mother, providing the owlings with a second chance at life and letting Luna indulge her parental instincts.

Fuller just placed the two owls in Luna’s nest to do this. He hoped his ideas would come to fruition.

Fortunately, when Luna returned, she immediately ran to the two babies and took them under her wing.

The loving mother then ensured their safety and warmth.

Fuller was ecstatic to learn that everything was well and the two babies were no longer orphans.

He was also thrilled for Mother Luna, who at long last became a mother.

The cutest animals in the world

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